Friday, July 29, 2011


I really wanted to see Alice the most on my time in Europe, especially in England, since she was living and working there. I also wanted to go to Oxford. So, thankfully, I was able to kill two birds with one stone, and see Alice in Oxford. I took the train, and met Alice at the station, and we made it just in time to do a free walking tour (we love free). The tour took us around the colleges, showed us places where Harry Potter was filmed (we love Harry Potter) and gave us a chance to catch up while seeing a place we both hadn't been. We loved our tour guide, he was a total babe, had a sense of humour, and played guitar. 

Between the white and red building is a secret passage to a pub. We ate lunch there and drank Pimms.

The colleges are really beautiful, but some more beautiful than others, but the guide did not take us through the gates (not free). Though we still were able to learn about the culture of Oxford college life, including drinking, feuding, drinking, exams, admission, drinking... 

Harry Potter was filmed in here
Really old facade 
This is where I'd study
A circular bibliotheca (that's 'library' for you ignorant folk)

The exam hall...
Beautiful Christ Church College

After so much walking, Alice and I were ravenous. So we ventured back to the 'Turf Tavern' to have a bit to lunch. It was good food, over Pimms, with great company and conversation.There were so many stories to tell and catch up on. 

Where we had lunch
Famous people who have also dined at the 'Turf tavern'

After sitting, eating and chatting, we were off to browse the shops and do some shopping. Due to having spent about £300 the day before, I was very limiting on my spending. Regardless though, the company was worth much more!

After a day together, we did have to part, so we walked back to the train station, and said 'goodbye' where we said 'hello'. Then I was on my train back home.


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